Serene Summer Night

The coolness of summer nights falls quietly from the sky.

When the heat passes its peak, autumn begins to mix into the night. As the color of the setting sun fades, the sky turns a deep blue. The coolness seems to come down from the blue.

The night air feels good. It is a luxury to walk just to enjoy the coolness.

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In this song, I started the first note as ‘E’s three octaves apart in order to express the clear coolness of the night. The sound suited the mood of my night walk well, so I was able to compose smoothly after that. It was a fun craft to find cool sounds and to compose them into a song.


Song Information
  • Title: Serene Summer Night
  • Composer: Issay Tsumeki ( 爪木一晴 )
  • Work number: Op. 21
  • Date of composition: Jun. 29, 2020
  • Date of release Aug. 19, 2021