Sunflower Hill

Sunflowers bloom big as if to say, “We are representatives of summer.”
Lovable, they prefer cheerful chatter to modesty or thoughtfulness. 🙂

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A Song of the Sea had become a very quiet song, so I was thinking of making a cheerful song next, and I unexpectedly found a photo of a hill full of sunflowers. It was exactly “Oh, this is it!”. I started making song right away.

It was after drinking, so I played chord roughly and cut it with staccato. After writing the first 8 measures, my energy ran out. I got drunk much and tired.

The next day when I looked at the score, it was really rough. But I wanted to keep the energy of the song as it was, so I tried various modifications.

It was a song made like this, so the tempo was fast and the fret moved largely, and it became a song that far exceeded my playing skill. Originally, the purpose of composing was to make simple songs that I could play, but why did this happen?

It’s a short composition of 16 measures repeated twice, but I can’t play any more long, so this is enough. Even though it’s only 1 minute song, I think I recorded it about 300 times. Rather than being satisfied, I gave it up. But a Sanshin† video said “If you want to learn a song, you have to practice one thousand times”. So my effort must not be enough.

† Sanshin is a stringed instrument of the islands of Okinawa, Japan.


Song Information
  • Title: Sunflower Hill
  • Composer: Issay Tsumeki ( 爪木一晴 )
  • Work Number: Op. 7
  • Date of Composition: Nov. 17, 2018
  • Date of Release: Jul. 16, 2019