Noclock Islands
It is the waves, not the clock, that mark the rhythm of time on the southern islands. The hour hand is the sun. The second hand is the wave rhythm. What’s the minute hand? Oh, it’s what I don’t want the most.
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It’s still cold now, but I like the warmer months, so I started making this song to make me feel like I was on a southern island. At first, the theme was “warm”. But after thinking a lot, I thought that what I really wanted to make was not “warm” but “not tied up”.
My life is tied to many clocks. The clocks command me to wake up in the morning, to sleep at night, and even to eat lunch at noon. It’s weird, isn’t it? The clocks are tools made by humans. I am commanded by half-advanced science and technology. But I believe that further progress will one day bring humanity back to the world without clocks.
This song has become so commonplace, but the originality doesn’t matter to me. I just wanted a song that I could relax with. Actually, the main part of this song is not the melody but the laid-back bass. You may feel it by playing this song yourself.
The first melody of this song is 5+3 measures instead of 4+4 measures. This often happens when I make a song freely, and I usually correct this kind of unevenness in 4 measures each. But this time I decided to leave it as is. I thought that the extra 5th measure expresses my feeling that I don’t want to be tied to the clocks.
Song Information
- Title: Noclock Islands
- Composer: Issay Tsumeki ( 爪木一晴 )
- Work Number: Op. 16
- Date of Composition: Dec. 30, 2019
- Date of Release: Feb. 24, 2020
- Tropical beach : by dharmendra sahu on Unsplush
- Blue hat : by skeeze on Pixabay
- White flower on the beach : by jcob nasyr on Unsplush
- Red cocktail : by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay
- White flower and blue sky : by pasja1000 on Pixabay